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課程1 : Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
- A Notion of computation
- The Python programming language
- Some simple algorithms
- Testing and debugging
- An informal introduction to algorithmic complexity
- Data structures
MITx: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python | edX
課程2 :Machine Learning with Python: from Linear Models to Deep Learning
- Understand principles behind machine learning problems such as classification, regression, clustering, and reinforcement learning
- Implement and analyze models such as linear models, kernel machines, neural networks, and graphical models
- Choose suitable models for different applications
- Implement and organize machine learning projects, from training, validation, parameter tuning, to feature engineering.
課程3 :Supply Chain Analytics
- Basic analytical methods
- How to apply basic probability models
- Statistics in supply chains
- Formulating and solving optimization models
MITx: Supply Chain Analytics | edX
課程4 :Understanding the World Through Data
- Python programming and the Colab notebook programming environment
- Dependent and independent variables
- Coming up with relationships between data using linear and polynomial regression models
- Recognizing how data is distributed
- How to observe noise in distributions and when to ignore it
- Categorize data into groups with classification models
- And more!
MITx: Understanding the World Through Data | edX
課程5:Becoming an Entrepreneur
- Overcoming the top myths of entrepreneurship
- Defining your goals as an entrepreneur and startup
- Identifying business opportunities
- Performing market research and choosing your target customer
- Designing and testing your offering
- Planning your business logistics, plus pitching and selling to customers
MITx: Becoming an Entrepreneur | edX
課程6:Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation
- Select and implement methods for interpolation and understand their consequences for convergence of model results as discretization is refined.
- Carry out a few simple methods for numerical integration
- Implement procedures for numerical differentiation
- Write programs to solve systems of equations, both linear and non-linear
MITx: Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation | edX
課程7:Foundations of Modern Finance I
- Valuation of fixed income securities and common stocks
- Risk analysis, the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), and the Efficient Market Hypothesis
- Introduction to corporate finance and capital budgeting
- Valuation of derivative securities
- Portfolio theory and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- Corporate financial decisions
- Real options, capital structure, payout policy, corporate bonds; and
- Interaction between investment and financing decisions
MITx: Foundations of Modern Finance I | edX
課程8:Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life (一日生科,終身科科,笑~~)
- How to describe the building blocks of life and how their interactions dictate structure and function in biology
- How to predict genotypes and phenotypes given genetics data
- How to explain the central dogma of molecular biology and convert DNA sequence to RNA sequence to protein sequence
- How to use molecular tools to study biology
- How to describe the principles of early sequencing as well as modern sequencing and the effects of these technologies on the filed of genomics
- How to apply the principles of modern biology to issues in today's society
MITx: Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life | edX
課程9:Probability - The Science of Uncertainty and Data
- The basic structure and elements of probabilistic models
- Random variables, their distributions, means, and variances
- Probabilistic calculations
- Inference methods
- Laws of large numbers and their applications
- Random processes
MITx: Probability - The Science of Uncertainty and Data | edX